Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to get up and running with the Lock and Go app.

Create your account

Set up your account in the app using your email, name, and password, with an optional photo.

Enter dispatcher email

Enter your dispatcher's email so that they receive notifications if the you have an unconfirmed load lock.

Enable notifications

Enable notifications so that you receive load lock confirmations upon entering and leaving a terminal or port.

Enable location usage

Enable location usage so that you get pinged when departing for a port or terminal.

Start your subscription

Start your $3/month Lock and Go subscription to enable our notification service, and give you peace of mind that your container is locked.

Enter payment method

Enter your payment information and tap set up to start your Lock and Go subscription.

Set Location to Always

When prompted, make sure your location is set to "Always", or set it to always within Settings > Lock And Go.